This is where YOU WILL be writing & creating headlines – not ChatGPT. You now have had a chance to do some research, work on prompts, evaluate outputs etc. With this completed, you are ready to start creating your own headlines. If any of the answers for the questions below were found to be created with AI, an automatic grade of “0” will be applied.
1. Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. You are to explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers only topics discussed in class. Meaning, based on course content discussed in class, you are to tie specific elements that we discussed constituted a “good” headline or “elements” of a good headline and how this specific element is referenced in the headline that resonated with you. (6 Marks)
The Healine i saw that resonated with me was in BuzzFeed a headline about the Oscars 2025 which was “10 AKWARD MOMENTS FROM THE 2025 ACADEMY AWARDS’’ This resonated with me because am fan of celebrity events and award winning shows, so me seeing the headline sparked a form of curiosity in me as to what actually the article is all about , to me it was clear messaged and I could understand the snippet of what the article could be about just by reading the headline . And reading the headline already prepared my mind of what to see in the article which was a moment of awkwardness. Which to me was clever and one of the element needed for a good headline , though it was not out of context to grab a lot of attention but it had other elements which create up a good headline which is having a number format which make it easy me the audience to scan it , it was straightforward and digestible but I believe it could be way better.
2. As per the headline in Question #1, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks)
Answer: Yes the Headline was representative of the article ,the article really reasonated with what the headline was talking and stating out. And according to the elements of what makes a good healine ,the headline i saw fitted the description an it was written in a clever manner which the target audience can understand, another element discussed in class that made this headline look good to me was the fact it made sense ,though it was not promise specific.
3. As discussed in class, why do you feel Headlines are so important in web content? Please provide me with an example of a headline you clicked on recently (submit the exact headline including a screenshot) and outline in detail why you clicked it. In question #1, I asked why it resonated with you. For this question, I am asking why you actually clicked on it. This cannot be the same headline as question #1 (8 Marks)
Headlines are like a gate way for people to access and read your content, it must attract attention because it helps your audience reach your content. Because as said in class that in digital especially in content if your headline those not attract attention and does not resonate with your audience, your content which spent time on will go unused. We write headlines in order for people to read our content. Headlines are like fishing your headline is the lure is the hook to bet your content to be read. And you develop your headlines based on your audience. Headlines are every where they are what makes and gives highlight of what the actual content is about it like a snippet of what makes your audience read your content.

4. Now you are going to apply what you have learned in class. As per the class discussion, please provide me with three different headlines for the story (article in Question #3) and outline your reasoning(s) and explanation for each. Please ensure you base your answer on the different elements of headlines we spoke about in class. Please go into detail for each. (12 Marks)
Answer :
- 10 Wild 2025 Academy Award Moments You won’t believe happened .
- 10 2025 Oscar embarrassing moments; You need to watch.
- TOP 10 2025 Oscar funny moments, you must not miss.
Each of this headline i made and generated with the mindset of the elements that actually makes a good headline effective. for the first headline I made sure to lure with curiosity and tap in the emotions of my audience because as said in class and action driven is one of the good things to use to get your audience to do what you want. And I made sure it works out of context in order to be understandable and attention grabbing to the audience so seeing the word alone would convey the message of the article.
The second Headline was intended to create urgency and give audiences the fear of missing out which would lure them in clicking the headline the statement made ‘You Need to watch gives a sense that if they do not click it now, they will not see it again. It is having a listing format is to make it digestible and easy to scan, for the audience.
The third Headline was intended to give exclusivity like in a VIP way making audiences feel they have the article in the headline as the best clips to give them as audience. It is also to give clarity to the audience who are reading it
5. Create a headline for an article about the SCC Advertising Program targeted to local graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please provide the following:
a. Provide the headline
“Your Creativity could be a Job? with a degree at the SCC Advertising Program”
b. Provide an overview of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task.
Answer: Elements missing in the instructions is there is no objective for this article what are the local high school student getting out of this article, meaning there is what they should be expecting when they read the article, it does mention what kind exact tone or style the headline should be. No unique features like a goal what will the get out of it ,like the goal are they getting jobs, are they fun things to do in program, like what perception of the adverting program are you selling or putting out there
c. Explain the headline you created, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)
Answer: The Headline i created is to inform local high school students about the SCC advertising Program. So, which not much information from the instruction about the objective of the article and aim of what the article wants the audience to actually know . I focused on what baselly the advertising program is about since i am there. And as per the elements of a good headline one of the major way to have an effective good heading is to have a promise specification
6. You are to create a headline about the 2 nd year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)
“Upgrade Your Digital Skills with SCC’s 2nd year Digital Classes!”
The reason behind this headline creation was based on the key element of having a good headline which was thought in class. I wanted to be promise specific, clever and out of context aligning with my audience who are the first years . Has the headline is meant to be the the hook to lure them in reading the content immediately. So i decided to put the benefit , of what they will gain when they enter their 2nd year, that is “Upgrade You digital Skills” By putting what they will gain in the second year class stir curiosity in their mind that it is good for them . So next they further to read on how exactly they would want to get those benefits. Then I put with “SCC’S 2nd Year Digital Class. In that way they know that the benefits they want which it to upgrade there digital skill can only be gain if attend or go to SCC’s 2nd Year Digital Classes. It is also easy to understand. And as said the class your Headline must be intriguing, luring have to cause an action which is curiosity that i order to grab the attention of your audience to read your content.
7. You are to include all WordPress links for this assignment. You are to set up a category on your server installed WordPress blog called “Assignment #2” and create a new post for each answer. You are graded for this setup. (2 Marks)
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